oCERT-2008-001 GnuPG memory corruption


A memory corruption bug exists in version 1.4.8 of the Gnu Privacy Guard, the issue also affects version 2.0.8.

A selection of keys available from a public keyserver were found to cause a segmentation fault due to pointer corruption when imported via --refresh-keys or --import.

It is not known whether the bug can be exploited to execute arbitrary code. Version 1.4.9 and 2.0.9 have been released addressing this issue.

We would like to thank Werner Koch (wk [at] gnupg [dot] org) for promptly handling this issue.

Affected version:

GnuGP = 1.4.8, = 2.0.8

Fixed version:

GnuGP >= 1.4.9, >= 2.0.9

Credit: Andrea Barisani, oCERT Team | Inverse Path

CVE: CVE-2008-1530


2008-03-19: contacted gnupg maintainers and affected vendors
2008-03-25: gnupg patched in SVN
2008-03-26: gnupg 1.4.9, 2.0.9 released
2008-03-26: advisory release
2008-03-27: assigned CVE
